Sunday, May 13, 2012

Poetry Analysis

Photograph by Krystal Galvis
What is a photograph?
It's an image frozen in time
But yet, captured forever
A photograph can capture things
And see things
That people sometimes cannot see.
A person with a camera can see all that.
It's an image
Frozen in time
Captured forever
As a memory
A photograph is a memory
It could be a delightful or dreadful memory
But it is your own memory
A photograph means everything

Analysis: This poem is about how photographs are memories and are the best ways to keep and savor memories. It explains how photographs show things that people don't normally see at first glance and how photos show emotions. This poem also shows how photographs are memories - the good and the bad. This poem also justifies how we should save photographs and keep them because "a photograph means everything" and it captures many memories in one. "It could be a delightful or dreadful memory" was an example of evocative language. In this poem, there weren't really any similes and what not. The poem starts off describing a photograph and then ends with what it really means/is to a person. Overall, this essay basically talks about how photographs should be cherished forever because it captures more than the eye can see.

Memories Are a HouseBY AVOT YESHURUN

Stars by the power of their orbit
are stars in the order of the sun.
But if they are not figures of orbit,
they are not in the sun.
Exactly like me: by the power of my yearnings
I am in the family.
And if I will not yearn,
I am not in the family.
Memories are a house.
Time is a roof. All the time a roof. All the time time.
I would like sometime to die
unto them and see them.
Benno Rothenberg related
that when he saw some archaeology,
he had a feeling of
homeland. As if he were in his house.
I do not deny that a man who reaches a certain age
can no longer hope
that those from whom he came will remain
still alive with him, as my mother once
wrote to me in one of the letters
of her twilight. From the fadings of her letters
into the fatedness of man: But when can they.
After all there's no chance of seeing you.
And once, in a discarded and forgotten letter:
"Good night, Yehiel
 alter lebn. Slumber has descended upon me.
I am caught in the throes of sleep. 
Khbinshlayferig gevorn." Said in a letter that nobody reads, that nobody read.
—February 8, 1989

Analysis: This poem was confusing at first but after reading it over and over again I think this poem is about how the narrator is reminded/sees a old house that he grew up in. This poem shows what things remind him of things he comes across. My first impression was that T thought this poem shows how the home reminds him of his past. An example of evocative language is: "Exactly like me: by the power of my yearnings - I am in the family. And if I will not yearn, I am not in the family." And for similes/metaphors in this poem, I found: "Memories are a house. Time is a roof." This poem starts off introducing the house then progresses into memories that the house brings as he steps through and passes by each object (each memory comes up). Overall, I see that this poem was about how the narrators old house brings up bad/good memories from the past. 

For the Love Of A Daughter - Demi Lovato
Please father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter
It's been five years
Since we've spoken last
And you can't take back
What we never had
Oh, I can be manipulated
Only so many times
Before even I love you
Starts to sound like a lie
You have a hollowed out heart
But it's heavy in your chest
I try so hard to fight it
But it's hopeless
You're hopeless
Oh father
Please father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go

Analysis: This song is really deep and goes into her personal life.This poem talks about Demi's past with her father and how he would be an alcohol addicted person. It also explains how her father was one of the key reasons to her troubled past and how alcohol took over him. There wasn't really any evocative language but I guess I found one that is "Oh, I can be manipulated." A simile/metaphor I found was in the middle of the lyrics: "You have a hollowed out heart But its so heavy in your chest". At first her lyrics describe how her feelings were toward her father and how her father treated her then later progresses to how she feels then goes into how it is now. This poem is basically about how her & her fathers past is the reason why her & her father don't keep in touch anymore.

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